steirischer herbst
Lone Twin (GB)
Three Songs About Bridges
Opening Festival centre

The Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Bridge on the River Kwai, the Chinese bridges between this world and another, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the bridge over Art Garfunkel's troubled water - the unusual British performer duo Lone Twin adds three new songs to this canon for the inauguration of the festival centre, in honour of all the pioneers, engineers and workers who over the centuries have joined one side to another. A warm invitation thus goes out to the inhabitants on both sides of the river Mur.

Co-operation steirischer herbst & Landesmuseum Joanneum
Project sponsors Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Zumtobel,
Energie Graz & Assmann Ladenbau

Fr 22/09, 21.30

Festival centre Künstlerhaus
By and with
Gary Winters & Gregg Whelan

Lone Twin