
Leitmotifs: control, participation, collaboration and open sources

The coils of a serpent are even more complex than the burrows of a molehill. (Gilles Deleuze)
steirischer herbst

Dictionary of War

From ABC weapons to civilian population, from parachute invasion to facts on the ground, from potato to collateral damage, from homesickness to resistance: Dictionary of War is a collaborative platform for creating 100 concepts on the subject of war.

steirischer herbst 2005
29.September - 30.October
Director: Peter Oswald

steirischer herbst 2004
7. October - 7. November
Director: Peter Oswald

steirischer herbst 2003
19. September - 30. November
Director: Peter Oswald
Tatort Modeszene - Lehrlingsprojekt
steirischer herbst 2002
24. October - 24. November
Director: Peter Oswald
Latent Utopias. Experiments withinContemporary Architecture

architektur on tour

steirischer herbst 2001
4. October - 4. November
Director: Peter Oswald
ABBILD recent portraiture und depiction


free elements

steirischer herbst 2000
6. October - 5. November
Director: Peter Oswald
Rudi Gernreich. Fashion will go out ofFashion

<hers> Video as a Female Terrain

p.t.t. red - Probe aufs Exempel
steirischer herbst 1999
25. September - 24. October
Director: Christine Frisinghelli

steirischer herbst 1998
26. September - 26. October
Director: Christine Frisinghelli